US lawmakers on Thursday adopted a sharply worded resolution warning about the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran and urging President Barack Obama to increase diplomatic and political pressure against Tehran.
Israel and the Czech Republic inked a raft of inter-governmental deals on Thursday as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu began a two-day visit to Prague.
Laurent Fabius, 65, a veteran heavyweight of the French Socialist party, has been appointed Wednesday Foreign Minister in France’s new government under President Francois Hollande.
Iran is a threat not only for Israel but for the whole region, said Bahrain’s Ambassador to the United States, Huda Noono, the first Jewish Ambassador of an Arab country, in an interview with EJP.
Proposed legislation would add Israel Antiquities Authority and the Environmental Protection Ministry to the list of agencies with expansive data surveillance abilities.
Western diplomats say new centrifuges not yet enriching uranium, supply of 20 percent uranium appears constant; halt of higher-grade enrichment a priority for West.
In what was clearly an officially-sanctioned leak, the U.S. sent Iran a clear message just a few days before the next round of Iran-West nuclear talks in Baghdad.