The artistic concept of the future Holocaust museum at the Menorah center was first presented in Dnepropetrovsk.
TKUMA director I. Schupak explains, “First we were planning only the Holocaust museum but then we decided on the Museum of Jewish history and culture in Ukraine while the Holocaust, its history, lessons and its victims will still be the focal point of the exposition”.
Igor Schupak invited recognized experts from Ukraine and abroad- Leonid Finberg, director of Judaica center in Kiev, designed the museum concept, Grigory Kozovsky (Israel) is a culture and arts consultant, Victor Gukailo, a famous Kiev theater artist designed the arts concept.
Victor Gukailo presented his concept to Chief Rabbi Kaminezki, chief architect of the project Alexander Sorin and community director Zelig Brez. He showed the drafts of the five halls and made an emphasis on the central room dedicated to the Holocaust and World War II which will consist of ten main elements including ghetto, concentration camps, mass destruction, evacuation, etc.
I. Schupak says, “We’ve found a witness of evacuation of a Jewish village over the Dneproges dam. When people were walking over it the Soviets blew up the dam. Those who’ve already crossed the river went wondering endlessly to the Kazakhstan steppes, the others dies in the Dnieper or were killed by the Nazis”.
Soon other museum rooms will also be presented to the leaders of the community.