Travelling Museum of the History of Ukrainian Jews
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                  Travelling Museum of the History of Ukrainian Jews


                  Travelling Museum of the History of Ukrainian Jews

                  The Jewish Fund of Ukraine has completed work on a travelling museum of history and culture of Jews in Ukraine.
                  The exhibition includes 30 three-dimensional stands with materials about the long history of the Jewish community of Ukraine from the times of Kyiv Rus to the present day.
                  A special place in the exhibition is devoted to the materials on the outstanding figures of Jewish science and culture, of pre-revolutionary community life, the Second World War and the contemporary life of Jewish communities in Ukraine.
                  Each stage is reflected by a relevant section of photos and documents.
                  All information materials on the stands are in the Ukrainian, Russian and English languages.
                  The dismountable exposition can be installed in any indoor area of no less than 60 m squared.
                  Creating a travelling museum became possible due to the support of the Rothschild Foundation in Europe.